Tuesday, March 31, 2020

What is Gratitude?

  1. the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
    "she expressed her gratitude to the committee for their support"

Sometimes I think the difference between one person's point of view and another's, is the definitive on the amount of gratitude they are able to express, feel, or share in every situation.  I always try to talk to my students about the positive things in every situation.  We try to focus on what we can be thankful for regardless of our circumstances.  

This activity helps kids identify things that make them happy and what it is that makes them happy.  

I love this quote by Zig Ziglar (motivational speaker):
15 Thoughtful Quotes About Gratitude | SUCCESS

Monday, March 30, 2020

Positive Self Talk


Self-talk is the thoughts that are running through your head.  Use these activities to practice positive self-talk and strengthen the skill of turning negative thoughts/self-talk into positive ones.

POSITIVE SELF-TALK POSTER for Your Classroom or Counseling ...

Friday, March 27, 2020

Let's Get Physical!

Physical activity is SO very important when it comes to maintaining our physical, mental, and emotional health! 

From the CDC: Physical Activity and Academic Achievement

  • Students who are physically active tend to have better grades, school attendance, cognitive performance (e.g., memory), and classroom behaviors (e.g., on-task behavior).14, 15
  • Higher physical activity and physical fitness levels are associated with improved cognitive performance (e.g., concentration, memory) among students.14, 15

Challenge yourself to take advantage of the weather when it is nice!  

The following link has indoor and outdoor activities for children toddler ages up through age 8.  30 Indoor and Outdoor Physical Activities for Kids

This link has 45+ Physical Activity examples for kids of all ages - include the whole family!

Thursday, March 26, 2020


IMPULSE CONTROL is something we all have to practice.  As the days of social distancing continue and the need for more creativity with your day increases, we may need to practice impulse control more than ever.  I know I can become irritable when my routine changes and I don't have my normal schedule to follow.  For kids, this could look different depending on the student.  It could be lack of control of emotions and words or it could be lack of control physically due to their emotions.  

Think Before You Speak - This activity is to help those who need guidance and practice on thinking about what they are saying before they say it. 
Educator Directions: Think Before You Speak
Think Before You Speak Poster
Think Before You Speak Worksheet

Help Owlivia Practice Impulse Control - Owlivia is having a birthday party but can't contain her excitement beforehand.  In this activity, students write her a letter including suggestions for staying calm until the party starts.  (She will actually write back if you post it on social media and tag @centervention.)
Help Owlivia Practice Impulse Control "Poster"

Melt or Freeze Activity - Practice "freezing" when you are able to use self-control, or to stop what you were going to do impulsively to make a good choice instead.  When you "melt" is when you have given in to your impulses.  This activity helps students recognize their melt/freeze options in different scenarios.
Melt or Freeze Activity Instructions
Melt or Freeze Worksheet

Stop and Think Remote - This activity helps kids use their stop and think remote to stop, fast forward, rewind, and play in order to practice stopping and thinking about their choices.  Students will also consider what they could do to avoid negative consequences.
Stop and Think Remote Activity Instructions AND Remote

Impulse Control Strategies: Ready, Set, Go!! - This activity helps students learn strategies for self-control so they gain the ability to resist temptations, urges, or impulses in order to meet their goals!
Impulse Control Intro Lesson: Freeze Game & Poster
Directions and Discussion Questions

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Facts VS Assumptions

We have all been guilty of jumping to conclusions based on assumptions rather than facts.  I think it is EXTREMELY important to make sure we help our children differentiate between true facts versus what we assumed. 

As adults, we could also use this activity to remind ourselves we need to have opinions based on facts in order to make informed decisions.   Sometimes, this may mean that we research and "investigate" information that is provided.  This is the website for accurate and up-to-date information on COVID-19.  Try not to rely on the news or social media! :) 

Check it Out - Lesson
Check it Out - WS

Facts VS Assumptions Lesson
Facts VS Assumptions WS

facts vs. assumptions

Tuesday, March 24, 2020



With the COVID-19 affecting not only our change in daily routine but the change in what we can/can't access (play dates, social outings, etc.), it may be difficult to cope with the sudden and drastic changes.  See the following activities for help in guiding your children through this time of uncertainty.

What's In My Control?
*In life, there will be things we can and cannot control.  This activity helps kids determine what they can and can't control and how to cope with the things that are out of their control.
What's In My Control Lesson 
What's In My Control? - Circle Of Control WS

Big Changes VS Small Changes
* Use this activity to talk about examples of change (big and small).

Coping Skills
*Use this activity to talk about examples of how to cope with change.
Cope with Change_Main Image_88891010

Monday, March 23, 2020



Is it like pulling teeth to get your child(ren) to talk to you about how they are feeling?  Try one of these activities!  

THE FEEL WHEEL:  Help kids share how they are feeling with emojis.
The Feel Wheel: Lesson Directions
The Feel Wheel Worksheet

FEELINGS FACES: This worksheet will help kids match emojis to how they are feeling.  After laminating the worksheet, have students use a dry erase marker to mark their answers for each situation. Once you’ve talked that situation through, they can simply erase their marks, choose a new sentence, and repeat. (If you don’t have access to a laminator, you can also slip the worksheet into a plastic page protector.) 
Match the Emotions: Feelings Faces
Having students talk about how someone else is feeling also helps them understand THEIR OWN feelings.  Even thought this is a "valentines day" activity, it is great to use year round!
Lesson Directions
When someone is feeling...
HOW AM I FEELING??  Karma the Chameleon helps students learn about moods and feelings (coloring activity)
How Am I Feeling?

Emotion Identifier

Friday, March 20, 2020



There are a lot of things going on in the world today that make us worry or scared.  I have attached a few lessons you could do with your kids to help them manage their anxiety levels. 

Deep Breaths Worksheet

Belly Breathing - Emotion Regulation

The Worry Scale - Lesson Instructions
The Worry Scale - Worksheet

Emotion Regulation - Calm Down Tools Worksheet


Borrowed from an email this week:
You are invited to ...
Breath is a powerful tool that can help you feel stable when everything around you feels shaky.  If you start to get fidgety or anxious, close your eyes and take a few deep inhales and exhales.  Breathe in to the count of 4, 3, 2, 1; hold it at the top for the same four-count; and then release to the same count.

This doesn't need to be anything intense.  A few simple yoga poses like mountain pose to a forward fold can calm you down and get your blood moving at the same time.  Go for a walk.  If you're nervous, take a walk up and down the steps. 

Be kind to yourself
One thing is for certain; Kindness matters more than ever.  People show their most vulnerable sides in a crisis.  So, knowing that may help people extend extra kindness to strangers, friends, and neighbors.

Did you know?  

Yoga protects the brain from the decline in gray matter brain volume as we age?  Check out this video for a quick relaxing yoga session you can enjoy while at your desk.  

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Food Services During NTI Days

Please click on the following like for up-to-date information regarding meal services plans.


Meal Service Plan for Non Traditional Instruction Days (NTI)

Beginning Monday, March 16th, 2020 Calloway County Schools will be providing a "grab and go" meal that includes lunch and the next day's breakfast for anyone 18 and under at the front entrance of CCMS from 10:30am-12:30pm Monday-Fridays.
On Thursday, March 19th, 2020 CCSD will be providing six additional mobile food distribution sites where parents and/or students can pick up a "grab and go" meal that includes lunch and the next day's breakfast.  These mobile sites will be open from 10:30-11:30am on week days.
The mobile sites are:
  • Riviera Courts near mailboxes
  • East Elementary School
  • Hazel Baptist Church
  • Dexter Church of Christ
  • Lynn Grove old store parking lot
  • Blood River Baptist Church.
CCSD strongly encourages you to use one of these seven sites for the "grab and go" meals.  If extraordinary circumstances prohibit you from being able to go to a site, please call 270-762-7304 from 8:00am-1:00pm Monday-Friday.  

If your child has a special dietary plan on file with the district and you will be picking up meals at CCMS, please call: 270-762-7304.

Local Contact Information for Community Agencies

Should you need additional outside counseling resources, please let me know.  

Murray Area Counseling options:

Child Abuse/Neglect

The Lakes Region
Ballard, Caldwell, Calloway, Carlisle, Christian, Crittenden, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, Hopkins, Livingston, Lyon, Marshall, McCracken, Muhlenberg, Trigg and Todd
Family Support Programs:  
Phone (855) 306-8959

Report Child Abuse and Neglect: 
Online - non-emergency only (Monitored from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Eastern time, Monday - friday.  Reports will not be reviewed during evenings, weekends, or state holidays.)
Phone (877) 597-2331/(877) KYSAFE1 or (800) 752-6200
Fax (270) 388-4824

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

NTI Information, Resources, and Contact Information

Hello Laker Family! 

I want you to know I will be available to help you throughout the NTI days.  Please see below about how to contact me.

1. Via Telephone - You can call Southwest Calloway Elementary / 270-762-7345 extension 4107.

2. Email:  chelsea.neale@calloway.kyschools.us
Please use this if you have questions or concerns and I will address them as quickly as possible.

3. Google Hangouts:  You will need to contact me prior to this to make sure I am available.  We can set  up a virtual meeting!

  • Go to Google Hangouts.  
  • Then you can click on "video call," "phone call," or "message," and follow the procedures from there.  
  • Use my email to connect. We can then chat via one of those methods.

Posts will be continuously added to provide information regarding topics that will help us navigate these next few weeks!

SAMPLE Daily Schedule

Use this schedule as a guideline.  

What works for you might be different than the example listed below. 
Your schedule may also be different from another family’s schedule.
If you need help coming up with a schedule, let me know!  - Mrs. Neale

NTI Information - a quick word from Mrs. Neale!




Below is a list of resources that are useful for talking to your children about COVID-19.  

Up-to-date information and changes from the Kentucky Department of Education
2019 Novel Coronavirus

Article from the Child Mind Institute
Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus

8 Ways to Manage your Coronavirus-Related Anxiety
Managing your Coronavirus-Related Anxiety

From the CDC
Helping Children Cope with Emergencies

Multilingual Resources
Coronavirus: Multilingual Resources for Schools

Brain Pop Video Explaining the Coronavirus to Kids

Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus
How to fold it:
How to make a zine from one piece of printer paper

National Association of School Psychologists
Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource

National Child Traumatic Stress Network - Helping Families Cope

Please click on to see full list of CONTACT INFORMATION

NTI Information, Resources, and Contact Information

Hello Laker Family!  I want you to know I will be available to help you throughout the NTI days.  Please see below about how to contact m...