Friday, March 20, 2020



There are a lot of things going on in the world today that make us worry or scared.  I have attached a few lessons you could do with your kids to help them manage their anxiety levels. 

Deep Breaths Worksheet

Belly Breathing - Emotion Regulation

The Worry Scale - Lesson Instructions
The Worry Scale - Worksheet

Emotion Regulation - Calm Down Tools Worksheet


Borrowed from an email this week:
You are invited to ...
Breath is a powerful tool that can help you feel stable when everything around you feels shaky.  If you start to get fidgety or anxious, close your eyes and take a few deep inhales and exhales.  Breathe in to the count of 4, 3, 2, 1; hold it at the top for the same four-count; and then release to the same count.

This doesn't need to be anything intense.  A few simple yoga poses like mountain pose to a forward fold can calm you down and get your blood moving at the same time.  Go for a walk.  If you're nervous, take a walk up and down the steps. 

Be kind to yourself
One thing is for certain; Kindness matters more than ever.  People show their most vulnerable sides in a crisis.  So, knowing that may help people extend extra kindness to strangers, friends, and neighbors.

Did you know?  

Yoga protects the brain from the decline in gray matter brain volume as we age?  Check out this video for a quick relaxing yoga session you can enjoy while at your desk.  

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